The Link Between Libertarian Ideology and Fascism

Libertarian Bafflegab:

  • “Personal Responsibility”: a.k.a. “I don’t give a shit what happens to you, as long as I’m ok.”, and, “Don’t tell me what to do.”
  • “Agency”: see “Personal Responsibility”
  • “Government Over-Reach”: see “Personal Responsibility”

The twin pillars of Libertarian Ideology are “I don’t give a shit what happens to you, as long as I’m ok.” and “Don’t tell me what to do.” Those boil down to Social Darwinism and Political Anarchy. Social Darwinism is one of the pillars of Fascism. Now Fascism and Political Anarchy are not compatible, but when the two conflict Fascism will always dominate because it is the ideology of the social collective, while Political Anarchy is unworkable on any level beyond the individual.

At the state level Fascism is practically workable, while Political Anarchy simply isn’t, especially when you are dealing with the sheer number of humans living on our planet in the 21st Century.

The line from Libertarian Ideology to Fascism is, unfortunately, a direct one. A line that Libertarians vehemently deny exists, but which, unfortunately, we are seeing being drawn in democracies all over the planet in the 21st Century.

On Forgiveness—Part IV

If I accept that the first person I must learn to forgive is myself, how do I do this? What if I have done something truly awful? What if I have abused children or committed genocide? I once told someone that you don’t know anything about forgiveness until you can forgive Hitler. I will start by saying that I cannot offer forgiveness on behalf of anyone else.

If I have hurt someone I cannot offer forgiveness for the hurt I have caused them. I am not God, and that absolution is not mine to give. I cannot forgive Hitler for the millions who were tortured and murdered as a consequence of his hatred and insanity, that absolution is not mine to give. Forgiveness is a cancellation of a debt. If I am owed nothing, there is no debt to forgive.

If I choose to forgive myself what I am doing is making the choice to no longer punish myself for what I have done, but that doesn’t free me from the consequences of actions where there is a debt to be payed to others.