The Calling Cards of Fascism

Donald Trump's attempted coup, January 6, 2021

How do you know that what you are looking at is actually fascism? The calling cards, the “tells” for fascism, are very clear:

This is how we know when we look at Russia that we are looking at a fascist state. This is how we know when we look at Donald Trump that what he truly desires for the U.S., is fascism. This is what the U.S. would fall into, if Donald Trump gained the power that he seeks, and it is more and more what the Republican Party in the U.S. is striving for.

Fascism is Not the Same as White Supremacy

Fascism is not the same as White Supremacy

The political centre is missing the mark when they attempt to fight “the enemy” because they don’t understand who the enemy is. The enemy isn’t white supremacy. The enemy is fascism. Those two things can work together, but they are not the same thing. Fascism is more dangerous than white supremacy because it has a much broader appeal. Fascism includes people of all skin colours under it’s tent, all faiths, every demographic, every culture, and every sexual orientation.

That is what moderates do not understand.

The three defining characteristics of fascism are:

Fascism will also tend to target the “other”, but the “other” can be anyone or anything, it is not limited to ethnic minorities, 2SLGBTQ+, or even people of Jewish heritage, even though those have all been traditional targets. Those targets can be extremely slippery, difficult to define, and are constantly changing.