The Shape of the Universe

shape of the universe

The mathematics that model memory and the mathematics of string theory would seem to indicate that there are 11 dimensions. But there are belief systems and philosophical models, both ancient and contemporary, which propose that there are 12 dimensions. However there seems to be no scientific support for this, other than, perhaps, the shape of the universe.

If such a dimension exists, what would it look like? Why is the presence of a 12th dimension not clear in those formulae and models which would suggest that there are at least 11 dimensions? I would propose that the answer to that question is that the 12th dimension presents us with a seldom used value, and that value is ∀.

The twelfth dimension is the dimension where all the other dimensions intersect. It is the dimension that links all the other dimensions.

Solving Puzzles

This understanding of the 12 dimensions explains various puzzles in quantum physics. How is it possible for a particle to exist in every possible random location until the probability wave is collapsed? How is “spooky action at a distance”, a.k.a. quantum entanglement, possible? The answer is that any particle which manifests in the 12th dimension will have the same “value” in that dimension as every other particle which manifests in that dimension.

Cosmologists in France and the US are now suggesting that our universe could in fact be a dodecahedron about 30 billion light years across. The geometric shape of a graph in twelve dimensions, with every axis an equal length with identical absolute values, is an icositetragon, a 24 sided polygon. Perhaps the shape of the universe is not a dodecahedron, but an icositetragon?

Cats vs. Songbirds

(it’s not a fair fight)

There are those who would say that cats are good for songbirds. Survival of the fittest. The strong will survive and adapt, and songbirds will emerge smarter, stronger and fitter as a result of the predations of the domestic cat. But it’s not a fair fight, it never has been.

In a world with humans removed from the equation, predators and prey face similar challenges, age, disease, the need for safe shelter, the struggle for sustenance. But domestic cats, in the main, do not face these challenges.

Domestic cats have distinctly human advantages. They, for the most part, have a reliable source of food, should they fail in the hunt. They have health care, they have a warm safe place to rest. Domestic cats, for the most part, don’t hunt to survive. Like humans, they hunt for entertainment.