
Player Awards


Month View
 April 2021 

Monthly awards for April 2021

Player Action Awards

ca O<CC>OTriscuit has the highest skill with 1478.00

Player with the highest skill

ca O<CC>OTriscuit has killed the most players (87)

Player with the most kills (any team)

ca favillion achieved the most bonus points (190)

Player that has achieved the most bonus points.

ca O<CC>O Saltine has been online the longest (01:53:09)

Player with the most online time

ca <CC>Ritz has completed the most map objectives (18).

Player who has completed the most map objectives.

ca <CC>Ritz is the most active medic with 202 medic actions.

Player with the most medic actions.

ca O<CC>OTriscuit destroyed the most structures (10)

Player that enjoys kicking over sand castles.

Weapon Class Awards

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Accident kills (11)

Most kills with Accident type weapons (including: Teledeath, Timer).

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Biological kills (13)

Most kills with Biological type weapons (including: Infection, Medikit).

ca favillion has the most Grenade kills (16)

Most kills with Grenade type weapons (including: Concussion Grenade, EMP Grenade, Hallucination Grenade, MIRV Grenade, Nail Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Normal Grenade).

ca favillion has the most Grenade Launcher kills (4)

Most kills with Grenade Launcher type weapons (including: Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Cannon, Pipe Bomb Launcher).

ca favillion has the most Hand Gun kills (1)

Most kills with Hand Gun type weapons (including: Rail Gun, Tranquilizer Gun).

ca O<CC>O Saltine has the most Incendiary kills (2)

Most kills with Incendiary type weapons (including: Flames, Flamethrower).

us Y get mad? its only game has the most Melee kills (11)

Most kills with Melee type weapons (including: Crowbar, Knife, Spanner, Umbrella).

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Shotgun kills (16)

Most kills with Shotgun type weapons (including: Shotgun, Super Shotgun).

ca favillion has the most Structure kills (15)

Most kills with Structure type weapons (including: Dispenser, Sentry Gun).

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Submachine Gun kills (4)

Most kills with Submachine Gun type weapons (including: Autorifle, Nails, Super Nails).

Individual Weapon Awards

ca O<CC>OTriscuit has the most Auto Cannon kills (34)

Most kills with a Auto Cannon

ca Fozzy has the most Autorifle kills (2)

Most kills with a Autorifle

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Crowbar kills (1)

Most kills with a Crowbar

ca favillion has the most EMP Grenade kills (6)

Most kills with a EMP Grenade

ca O<CC>O Saltine has the most Flames kills (2)

Most kills with a Flames

ca O<CC>O Saltine has the most Grenade Launcher kills (2)

Most kills with a Grenade Launcher

us justdoze has the most Head Shot kills (1)

Most kills with a Head Shot

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Infection kills (11)

Most kills with a Infection

us Y get mad? its only game has the most Knife kills (11)

Most kills with a Knife

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Medikit kills (2)

Most kills with a Medikit

ca favillion has the most MIRV Grenade kills (1)

Most kills with a MIRV Grenade

ca O<CC>O Saltine has the most Nail Grenade kills (1)

Most kills with a Nail Grenade

hu Player has the most Nails kills (2)

Most kills with a Nails

ca Fozzy has the most Napalm Grenade kills (1)

Most kills with a Napalm Grenade

ca favillion has the most Normal Grenade kills (9)

Most kills with a Normal Grenade

ca favillion has the most Pipe Bomb Launcher kills (4)

Most kills with a Pipe Bomb Launcher

ca favillion has the most Rail Gun kills (1)

Most kills with a Rail Gun

ca O<CC>O Drek has the most Rocket Launcher kills (35)

Most kills with a Rocket Launcher

ca favillion has the most Sentry Gun kills (15)

Most kills with a Sentry Gun

ca O<CC>O Drek has the most Shotgun kills (3)

Most kills with a Shotgun

hu Player has the most Sniper Rifle kills (8)

Most kills with a Sniper Rifle

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Super Nails kills (4)

Most kills with a Super Nails

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Super Shotgun kills (14)

Most kills with a Super Shotgun

ca <CC>Ritz has the most Timer kills (11)

Most kills with a Timer