Monthly awards for April 2021
Player Action Awards
O<CC>OTriscuit has the highest skill with 1478.00
Player with the highest skill
O<CC>OTriscuit has killed the most players (87)
Player with the most kills (any team)
favillion achieved the most bonus points (190)
Player that has achieved the most bonus points.
O<CC>O Saltine has been online the longest (01:53:09)
Player with the most online time
<CC>Ritz has completed the most map objectives (18).
Player who has completed the most map objectives.
<CC>Ritz is the most active medic with 202 medic actions.
Player with the most medic actions.
O<CC>OTriscuit destroyed the most structures (10)
Player that enjoys kicking over sand castles.
Weapon Class Awards
<CC>Ritz has the most Accident kills (11)
Most kills with Accident type weapons (including: Teledeath, Timer).
<CC>Ritz has the most Biological kills (13)
Most kills with Biological type weapons (including: Infection, Medikit).
favillion has the most Grenade kills (16)
Most kills with Grenade type weapons (including: Concussion Grenade, EMP Grenade, Hallucination Grenade, MIRV Grenade, Nail Grenade, Napalm Grenade, Normal Grenade).
favillion has the most Grenade Launcher kills (4)
Most kills with Grenade Launcher type weapons (including: Grenade Launcher, Incendiary Cannon, Pipe Bomb Launcher).
favillion has the most Hand Gun kills (1)
Most kills with Hand Gun type weapons (including: Rail Gun, Tranquilizer Gun).
O<CC>O Saltine has the most Incendiary kills (2)
Most kills with Incendiary type weapons (including: Flames, Flamethrower).
Y get mad? its only game has the most Melee kills (11)
Most kills with Melee type weapons (including: Crowbar, Knife, Spanner, Umbrella).
<CC>Ritz has the most Shotgun kills (16)
Most kills with Shotgun type weapons (including: Shotgun, Super Shotgun).
favillion has the most Structure kills (15)
Most kills with Structure type weapons (including: Dispenser, Sentry Gun).
<CC>Ritz has the most Submachine Gun kills (4)
Most kills with Submachine Gun type weapons (including: Autorifle, Nails, Super Nails).
Individual Weapon Awards
O<CC>OTriscuit has the most
kills (34)
Most kills with a Auto Cannon
Fozzy has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a Autorifle
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a Crowbar
favillion has the most
kills (6)
Most kills with a EMP Grenade
O<CC>O Saltine has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a Flames
O<CC>O Saltine has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a Grenade Launcher
justdoze has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a Head Shot
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (11)
Most kills with a Infection
Y get mad? its only game has the most
kills (11)
Most kills with a Knife
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a Medikit
favillion has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a MIRV Grenade
O<CC>O Saltine has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a Nail Grenade
Player has the most
kills (2)
Most kills with a Nails
Fozzy has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a Napalm Grenade
favillion has the most
kills (9)
Most kills with a Normal Grenade
favillion has the most
kills (4)
Most kills with a Pipe Bomb Launcher
favillion has the most
kills (1)
Most kills with a Rail Gun
O<CC>O Drek has the most
kills (35)
Most kills with a Rocket Launcher
favillion has the most
kills (15)
Most kills with a Sentry Gun
O<CC>O Drek has the most
kills (3)
Most kills with a Shotgun
Player has the most
kills (8)
Most kills with a Sniper Rifle
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (4)
Most kills with a Super Nails
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (14)
Most kills with a Super Shotgun
<CC>Ritz has the most
kills (11)
Most kills with a Timer